+ 034 624 225 042 direccion@ortizbordallo.com



The Ortiz Bordallo Studio of Architecture, Town Planning, Design and Management has premised its activity around three principal sections: “architecture”, “design” and “scientific and cultural dissemination”.



The Ortiz Bordallo Studio of Architecture, Town Planning, Design and Management has developed more than twenty important town planning projects in its last few years of professional activity.

In all the cases, professional know-how, research and town planning experience properly speaking combined to tackle each project as though it were unique, taking the terrain as the key factor for the growth and development of cities, the quality of life of its citizens and its environment.

The Studio of Architecture, Town Planning, Design and Management has delved deep into the different forms of town planning and its standards, being able to rely on a high degree of specialization for the execution of:

• Detail studies
• Partial Plans
• Compensation Projects
• Urbanization Projects
• Preparation of Subsidiary Standards
• Specific Projects,
• Assessment in the subject of town planning legislation